Update (3/5/19)
2019-2020 RRISD Cheerleading & Mascot Tryout InformationTryout paperwork is due by February 8th at 11:59 pm.
- online forms via Rank One site (8 forms) - teacher recommendation forms (at least 4 - hand out link to teachers) - physical form (must be RRISD physical paper) Tryout week information: Monday, March 4th @ RRHS (1100 Building Gym) - learning cheer and dance Wednesday, March 6th @ WHS (small gym) - learning fight song Thursday, March 7th @ WHS (large gym) - practicing tryout material - quick mock tryouts Saturday, March 9th @ RRHS (1100 building gym) Tryouts *order of schools TBA |
Email Coach Talley with any questions or concerns at [email protected]
Visit the forms page for links to all required tryout paperwork.